Monday, September 7, 2015


This blog is dedicated to all things melancholy. The assertion that life is meaningless seems completely true from a metaphysical standpoint, but it doesn't correspond to daily experience. Still, there are times when nearly every effort seems futile and when nothing seems worth the trouble. When this feeling of meaninglessness is relatively minor, this situation leads to melancholy reflections. When the situation is more extreme, some people pass into depression. In my vernacular depression is a deeper hole than melancholy.

Melancholy sometimes is a bittersweet feeling. It can be a source of pleasure for some people who are not prone to slip deeper when confronted with sad situations.

The following information comes from a site called Quote Investigator.

In 1866 the major French literary figure Victor Hugo published “Les Travailleurs de la Mer” which was later released under the English title “The Toilers of the Sea”. This work included the saying under investigation. Here is an excerpt in French followed by a translation from 1888. Boldface has been added to excerpts: 

Le désespoir a des degrés remontants. De l’accablement on monte à l’abattement, de l’abattement à l’affliction, de l’affliction à la mélancolie. La mélancolie est un crépuscule. La souffrance s’y fond dans une sombre joie. La mélancolie, c’est le bonheur d’être triste.

Despair has ascending degrees. From prostration one mounts to despondency, from despondency to affliction, from affliction to melancholy. Melancholy is a twilight. Suffering melts into it in sombre joy. Melancholy is the happiness of being sad.